News & Articles

Mr. Yoo Chienyuenyongpong, as the President of the Land Transport Federation of Thailand, was interviewed by Thairath TV. The article was published on March 27, 2016 (หน้าหลัก / ไลฟ์สไตล์ / สกู๊ปออนไลน์) and was on Thairath TV on the same day.

  • Thailand's logistics direction

    Mr. Yoo Chienyuenyongpong, as the president of the Land Transport Federation of Thailand (LTFT), was invited to attend the logistics and supply chain study's proposal meeting, to give recommendation and directions to the researchers. (9/3/2016)
  • Meeting
    K.N.R. Group Co., Ltd. conducted monthly meeting

    To keep improving ourselves, we regularly hold the internal meeting to update with the current situation within, and outside, the company. During the meeting, we revealed the issues happened during the past period. Then, we brain storm and come up with the solution to each problem. From time to time, we invite the professionals from outside to join our meeting to also give comments on how we can gear up our company. (29/6/2016)